
All Governors are elected, appointed or co-opted for a four year term. The role of the governors includes:

  • The selection and interviewing of staff
  • Considering external reports on the school improvement
  • Being responsible for the school’s financial management

The Governing Body’s purpose is to oversee the running of the school and to provide support to the headteacher and staff.
It also encourages stronger links between the school and the community it serves.

To find out more about joining our governing body, please see the Headteacher.


Jane Towers (Chair & LEA Governor)

Mary Coleman  (Vice-Chair & Co-Opted Governor)

Mike Elsen (Headteacher)

Karina Green (Co-Opted Governor) 

Anne King (Staff Governor)

Lorraine Setterfield (Associate Governor)

Sharon Hardie (Co-Opted Governor) 

Peter Storrie (Co-Opted Governor)

Vicky Rowe (Staff Governor)

Gary Bell (Parent Governor)

Governor Information

All of our policies including the Equality Policy are available from the school office.